FFT Military Science
FFT Technologies is delivering product solutions that are based in a science unlike other products. The graphic above is a simplified explanation of the core technology which is driving dozens of innovative products.
All of the products are:
- 100 % bio-renewable
- Plant based components
- NO dangerous chemical compounds
- NO harmful residual
- Patented formula
We are Carbon Based Creatures living in a world of Hydrocarbons.
Hydrocarbon molecules make up a large percentage of our world including FATS OIL & Grease. The challenge developing remediation products which disperse Hydrocarbon compounds is that Oil & Water don’t mix.
Hydrocarbons are hydrophobic – don’t like water – that is why oil and water don’t mix!
Developing products which affect a wide range of Hydrocarbons requires the ability to mix oil and water. FFT products accomplish this using classic non-ionic fatty acid tensides with a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail, which allow it to lower the surface tension of the oil-water interphase and to promote the formation of stable colloidal micelles.
TENSIDES are a type of surfactant, compounds that lower surface tension between liquids like oil and water. The tail of the Tensides are oil-soluble and project into the oil. The head of the tensides are water-soluble making contact with water. The action of the Tensides break the Hydrocarbons into smaller units called Micelles.
MICELLES are created by tensides as they lower the surface tension between oil and water allowing them to break the mass into smaller components and forming a Colloidal Suspension. Hydrocarbons in the Colloidal Suspension are prevented from recombining. The Micelle’s stability – a special characteristic of FFT – prevents the reformation of larger oil/fat aggregates and demixing of the dispersion.
In water, Micelles remain in continuous motion by the surrounding water molecules. The FFT molecules act like a microscopic sand blaster, continuously attracting and binding with bigger oil drops to form smaller Micelles, reducing the hydrocarbons down to a size which can be easily consumed by naturally occurring bacteria.
FFT contains special tensides for waxes and triglycerides at a wide variety of different fatty acid chains length, allowing optimal interaction with a wide variety of different length hydrocarbons. Commercial detergents (with 2 - 3 tensides) form large micelles; FFT Tensides form small micelles. Smaller micelles form faster are less likely to burst during any agitation and are easier to consume by bacteria.
The constant action of the Micelles continues to reduce the Micelles to microscopic, nono-sized facilitating the consumption by bacteria. The bacteria reduce the Hydrocarbons to benign organic compounds, mostly H20 & CO2.
FFT Technologies Science is integrated in dozens of products across a diverse range of industries. Each of these apply the basic principals described above to provide targeted solutions which are all plant based and human healthy.
FFT Scientific Principles
FFT Product Testing
FFT Cleaning Products Helps Maintain Flame Resistance of “FR” Clothing For Crew Safety & Saves $$$
U.S. Marine Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion Helicopter (insert) CH-53 Crew Chief wearing Nomex® 27P Coveralls
Crew Uniforms and ground crew uniforms are subject to a variety of oils from the CH-35, oils from the weapons systems combined with dirt & dust kicked up by the helicopter blades.
FFT Solution® Laundry Cleaner and Power Powder
FFT Solution benefits for FR Uniforms
FFT Solution Does Not Remove FR Coatings From Clothing
- Passed Milliken FR Cotton 100 Wash Burn Test
- Passed DuPont Nomex Burn Test
Removes Residual Hydrocarbons (OBM)
- Passed DuPont Burning Man Test For Residual Hydrocarbon Removal With Oil Base Mud (OBM)
- First and Only Laundry Product To Pass The Residual Hydrocarbon Removal Test With DuPont
FFT is pH Neutral
- Not harmful to FR clothing
FFT Solution benefits for Crew & Employees
FFT Solution leaves no residuals on FR Clothing
- Reduce Heatstroke potentional providing more Breathable Clothing
- Helps Stop OBM Buildup in Clothing Leading to the “Rubber Suit Effect”
- Prevent and Remove Petroleum Hydrocarbon Buildup in Laundry Equipment
Safer and Cleaner Overall Working Environment
- Hypoallergenic
- FFT is pH Neutral - no skin irratation
Cost Savings - Oil Rig Workers & U. S. Military
Dramatically Reduce FR Coverall Expenses
- FFT Cleaning products are not harmful to clothing or FR coating
- Fully removing all residuals extends the life of the clothing
- Increase Laundry Equipment Lifespan by removing all residuals
Testing – FFT Solution® Laundry Cleaner and Power Powder
Testing Summary
- The coveralls used in the test were in service for 2 years in Afghanistan
- Coveralls were permeated with Oil
- Coveralls were scheduled for disposal for Sanitary and Safety Reasons
The coveralls we received had been cleaned with "Name Brand Detergent" prior to delivery to FFT.
Using FFT Laundry With Hot Water Removed All Hydrocarbon Odor